Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Yippee I Oh ...

I completed my first ever Fellowship application and project today. I bet you'd love to know the exact time, wouldn't you? Wouldn't think of depriving you of that crucial tidbit. At exactly 4:12 I was in the post office getting it tucked safely away. Ahhhh. Wonderful feeling. I sent it overnight so they should receive all six copies of my project by noon tomorrow.

This seems to be a year of firsts for me. First blog. First blog tour. First Fellowship project. And ya know what? I'm not stopping there. I think for my next first, I'll, oh, I don't know, maybe organize my office! Now, there's a first.

If you don't know about it, there will be a book signing in Hardy, Arkansa on May 10th. Christine Lynxwiler will be present at Words/Afterwords. It's bound to be a wonderful day. She is a jewel.

Make a promise to yourself. Do a "first" before the month ends. It's exhilerating and, um, I think the perfect term is self-satifying. It feels "plum" great to know that you have accomplished something you've always wanted to do, but simply didn't make it a priority.

Have a wonderful day, week, month, year, life. And, remember, when in doubt, don't shout. Grab chocolate instead. ;-}